Hari ke-2: Heart and Threads of Fate

Sometimes (seems to be) simple things that randomly happen can effect you more than you thought it would.

Just like today.

I was sitting on one of benches in front of Kantin Salman when my friend's husband and their little boy walked towards me without me noticed. Realizing each other presence, we both surprised and said hello. I greeted the shy boy who was instantly hiding behind his father's back. I asked about his wife (who is my friend) and he said she was in Borromeus Hospital (to have some medical check up perhaps. I didn't ask further though. Wish she was there too.) As I watched them walking away, I know somehow I have a place in their heart, so are they in mine, although our life is going in different way and pace.

Our thread interact with other's million times in the web of fate. One only bumps, the other intertwines without knowing when they will separate. Frequency does matter, but I believe it is the heart that actually decides how our thread will connect in the future, despite the initial motive. That's why there are terms such as acquaintances, friends, best friends, colleagues, partner, soul mates, or else. Only us know who belongs to which. What we consider someone as. Where we set them in a locus of the heart.

The funny thing is our thread don't have to physically interact with someone's thread for him to own a place in our heart. Usually it is because of the power of minds, of words, of actions from whom we consider as role model. And in this case, we don't have to be in the same dimension with them. Rasulullah Muhammad saw praised his followers who love him even though they don't have the chance to know him and meet him in person. Love comes from interaction is common, but love comes from faith is exceptional. 

Think less, feel more.

Use your heart more than your brain. Or your thread will only end up bumping other's. 

[Image is from here]

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  1. "Only us know who belongs to which. What we consider someone as. Where we set them in a locus of the heart."

    True...indeed :)

    aaaah... still amazed with your beautiful written

    1. thank you winda :). never thought it would be considered as beautiful hehe..
