Hari ke-1: Heart and Home

- Bismillaah. First post on #30HariBercerita. Hope I can do it continuously for the next 29 days. -

It always feels good to be home. Where your heart is. When you know that your loved ones are (physically) close to you. "There is no place like home" they say. 

I used to think home was where my family was. But Sapporo taught me different. A home away from home. It went beyond blood relation, even physical presence. It dealt with the heart. 

When hearts connect, relationships begin. As you open your heart more, you'll understand others better. Able to feel what others feel, that's called empathy.
There is no home like home. Yet it's not necessarily your origin. When sky is the limit, you can find home everywhere, as long as you let your heart to. When you feel warmth in your heart, you've found your home. 

And I'm glad I've found one here, in Bandung. 

Pipi's birthday [Ciwalk120113]

[Image is from here]

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